

President Eliot has resigned after forty years of unselfish devotion to Harvard University. In that period of time, a University has come forth from within the cofines of the small New England College of the sixties, a University built on broad and noble lines with ever increasing influence in this and other lands. The growth of the institution which he has served has followed in the wake of the growth of its recognized leader. His ideas of government, his conception of educational processes, his inspirations, have made possible the development of Harvard College. And now, after having led the way these forty years, having overcome obstacles and prejudices that would have daunted the soul of one less hardy, having always pressed forward, the President is ready to lay down his work and pass along the responsibility to younger shoulders.

What will Harvard University be with out him? The thought of a Harvard guided by any other than President Eliot is strange and hard to conceive. His influence has been so indestructibly stamped on the University that one can only with difficulty imagine it without him. To have the source removed seems almost destructive were it not for the fact that it can never be removed in spirit but will continue with us for generations. Few of us have known him personally but each time we have seen him we have admired him a little more; each time we have heard him we have gained a better conception of his power of insight which has seen goals that many men of good vision have been blind to; each time we have seen him honored by men of all callings, we have been proud of him and glad that he is ours--a truly great President. We shall miss him sorely.
