

No Attempt Made at Scrimmage.--Withington Tried Out at Left Guard.

In the secret practice yesterday afternoon there was no attempt at a scrimmage, but the University football squad was given a stiff preliminary drill followed by a 35-minute period of hard signal practice. The work was very fast and full of snap. Coaches Campbell and Graves gave the linemen a long drill in defensive work, and the ends had special work in boxing tackles on the offence. Coach Daly was in charge of the backs, and Cutler, Gray, Kennard and Sprague were drilled in punting.

In the signal practice Withington was tried out in Captain Burr's position at left guard. Dunlap took Hoar's place on the other side of the line. Hoar and White were both given a rest. The team lined up for signal work as follows: l.e., Browne; l.t., McKay; l.g., Withington; c., Nourse; r.g., Dunlap; r.t., Fish; r.e., Crowley; q.b., Cutler; l.h.b., Long; r.h.b., Corbett; f.b., Ver Wiebe.
