
Plot of New Dramatic Club Play

The play selected by the Dramatic Club for its initial performance is "The Promised Land," a four act drama, by A. Davis '07, of Pittsburg, Pa. The final selection was made by a graduate committee consisting of Professor G. P. Baker '87, Winthrop Ames '95, director of the New Theatre in New York City, and H. T. Parker, dramatic critic of the Boston Transcript. "The Promised Land" was chosen out of six plays referred to the committee. It was written for English 47, Professor Baker's course on the "Technique of the Drama."

The play deals with the attempt of a European diplomat of Jewish birth to unite his people and lead them back to Palestine. He is hampered by lack of money, due to the indifference of the rich Jewish bankers and the petty dissensions among his followers, who at the end, defeat him and his cause. Lack of funds compels him to abandon his pro- jected colony in Palestine and turn to the more accessible land of Africa. His followers, however, refuse to accept any substitution for the Promised Land, and at the very moment of his supposed triumph, turn against him. The tragedy of his defeat is enhanced by his enforced separation from the woman he loves, who is a Christian and, for that reason, hated by his followers.

Trials for the 26 speaking parts in the play will be held on next Tuesday. All who intend to try for parts should report at Stoughton 2, on Friday between 4.30 and 6.30, when further details will be announced
