
Report of Lecture by Sig. Ferrero

Signor Guglielmo Ferrero, the distinguished Italian historian, delivered a very interesting and instructive lecture on "Nero" last evening in Emerson Hall.

On the 30th of October, 54 A.D., the Emperor Claudius died, and Nero succeeded him at the age of 17 years. The new emperor continued his study of music, grammar, and language, and allowed his mother, Agrippina, to seize control of the state. But she became a Roman Cleopatra, and because of her refusal to spend the public money for pleasure, she became unpopular. Nero was now living a selfish and extravagant life in the midst of riches and pleasures, and is said to have preferred the theatre to the Senate. Agrippina chafed at this and a struggle arose between mother and son. The idea was then suggested to Nero to kill Agrippina, but he hesitated for a long time until he was sure of its being accomplished in secrecy. In the spring of 59, murderers sank the ship on which Nero had persuaded Agrippina to go. But Agrippina escaped by swimming and hastened back to Rome. Nero was afraid of his mother and at first did not dare to return to Rome. Later, however, his second attempt on his mother's life was successful. Nero, now free from restraint, surrounded himself with musicians and singers, and lived in a continuous orgy. His lavish expenditures and desire for pleasure alarmed the people. The conflagration of Rome on July 19, 64; added to their fears and Nero's downfall resulted. Conceiving the idea of building a new Rome, Nero spent vast sums of money with the result that the finances of the state declined. No money was left to pay the army, which revolted. Nero was now abandoned by all, and committed suicide on June 9, 68.
