

In Parlor of Phillips Brooks House This Afternoon from 4 to 6.

The first of the University teas for the year will be held this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House. The object of the teas is to provide an opportunity for students to meet one another informally, and to bring them into closer relations with the officers of the University and their families, particularly with those professors whom they do not meet in the classroom. As in former years, the management of the teas is in the hands of a permanent executive committee made up of certain members of the Faculty and their wives, and ten or twelve members of this committee will be present on each Friday afternoon. In addition, a number of men from the undergraduate classes and the Graduate Schools have been asked to serve as ushers, and a number of them will be present each time. President and Mrs. Eliot will be present as often as possible.

Invitations have been sent out personally only to Freshmen this year, but all members of the University are invited to attend the teas, which will be held as usual during December, January and February, on Friday afternoons.
