Monday, November 23.
PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Meeting at 50 State street, Boston, 10.30 A. M.
**LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF GERMAN CIVIL LAW. IX. "Creation, Transfer, and Termination of Rights." Judge Walter Neitzel. West Lecture Room, Austin Hall, 2 P. M.
**KING'S CHAPEL LECTURES. "The Fourth Gospel." II. Professor Ryder. King's Chapel, Boston, 2.30 P. M.
LECTURES ON A PROGRAM OF PHILOSOPHY, BASED ON MODERN LOGIC. X. "Prolegomena to a Theory of Reality." (Continued.) Dr. H. M. Sheffer. Emerson F, 3.30 P. M. Open to members of the University and of Radcliffe College.
**LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF CLASSICAL STUDIES. V. "Eighteenth Century: The English Period." Professor Morgan. Harvard 1, 4.30 P. M.
**LECTURES ON THE PRESENT SITUATION IN PHILOSOPHY. VI. "Bergson's Critique of Intellectualism." Professor James. New Lecture Hall, 4.30 P. M.
*SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "The Political Aspect of the Greenback Movement." Mr. C. O. Ruggles. University 23, 4.30 P. M.
*PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. Experiments at High Pressure." Dr. Bridgman. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25, 5 P. M.
SEMINARY ON AIMS AND METHODS OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY AND TEACHING. Topic: "Constructive and Destructive Methods in the Elementary Teaching of Philosophy." Dr. H. W. Dresser and Professor Royce. Emerson C, 7.30 P. M. Open to all Graduate Students of Philosophy who are registered either in Harvard or in Radcliffe.
*LECTURE ON FIRE INSURANCE. "The Conduct of a City Agency." Mr. Robert A. Boit, of Boston. Emerson A, 8 P. M.
**READING. Part I of Goethe's "Faust." Professor Kuehnemann. Emerson J, 8 P. M.
Tuesday, November 24.
**LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF GERMAN CIVIL LAW. X. "Creation, Transfer, and Termination of Rights." (Concluded.) Judge Walter Neitzel. West Lecture Room, Austin Hall, 2 P. M.
*CLASSICAL CLUB. "Roman Eclecticism in Fine Art." Mr. L. Earle Rowe, of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Common Room, Conant Hall, 8 P. M.
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