The tenth annual intercollegiate cross-country run will be held at Princeton, New Jersey, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Teams have been entered from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Syracuse, Haverford, Michigan, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The University team left Cambridge Thursday afternoon, arriving at Princeton Friday morning. Friday afternoon they walked over the course. They are staying at the Princeton Inn and will return to Cambridge tonight.
Each team will be composed of not more than seven men, and the first five to finish from each team will count in the scoring. As in the Yale run, first place will count one point, second two, and so on, the team scoring the least number of points winning. A banner will be given to the winning team. The course, which is the same as last year, is three miles long and will be covered twice during the race.
Cornell has won for six consecutive years, and is considered likely to win again today. The University team has made a very much better showing this year than last, so far, and is expected to win third place at least. Jaques, who won first place in the Yale meet last week, is expected to break the tape again today. Harding and Heald will be unable to run owing to sprained ankles.
Following is a list of the entries:
Harvard--R. E. Dole '10, H. Jaques '11, H. Y. Masten '10, G. Murphy '10, E. Parson '11, W. P. Rogers '11, M. H. Whitney '09.
Yale--A. C. Cooney, L. Dean, A. M. Haskell, G. A. Ingalls, E. P. Jones, M. C. Lightner, R. L. Mann, R. Raynolds, R. A. Spitzer, M. B. Vilas, E. C. Wood.
Princeton--J. L. Chapman, C. Egner, L. Franz, S. R. Glover, J. A. Kirkpatrick, W. L. McGee, H. W. Ralph, W. Strong, R. H. Valentine.
Pennsylvania--Beck, Brackman, Dise, Griffith, Gunn, Hunter, Kitson, Kohn, Levering, Paull, Tyson, Walle.
Cornell--A. C. Bean, L. R. Bogert, L. R. Brown, C. S. De Golyer, A. W. Grant, Jr., C. S. Holmes, M. S. Jones, N. R. Peet, H. J. Spelman, P. S. Taylor, R. Y. Thatcher, H. C. Young.
Columbia--R. Colton, T. B. Counselman, H. W. Eastman, J. A. Grimes, G. P. Gunther, T. G. Kistler, F. W. Kennedy, H. F. Kudlich, B. Sanders, M. D. Smith, C. Swezey, A. Zink.
Syracuse--P. Benjamin, E. S. Cullings, W. J. Dixon, H. M. Hitchner, L. Judd, L. D. Marble, J. G. Norton, R. H. Preston, P. A. Ross, W. J. Stube, G. L. Van Auken, C. J. Wood.
Haverford--Ashbrook, Bradway, Clark, Clement, Ferris, Furness, Morris, Schoefferle, Smith, Whitall, Williams.
Michigan--W. Balhatchet, A. W. Bohnsack, F. H. Chapin, G. A. Dull, H. D. Ellis, C. H. Hall, D. May, H. M. Pierce, J. B. Saxton, J. S. See, C. F. Stahl, G. L. Tower.
Technology--C. L. Batchelder, H. S. Benson, C. L. Cambell, C. P. Eldred, R. Ellis, H. H. Howland, E. Jacobs, J. F. McCarthy, W. T. McCreadie, J. D. McKenzie, L. O. Mills
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