

New England Federation Holds Annual Convention at Providence.

The first annual convention of the New England Federation of Harvard Clubs will be held at Providence today under the auspices of the Harvard Club of Rhode Island. All Harvard graduates are invited to the meetings, each club, however, being entitled to but one vote on business matters. The purpose of the convention is to bring together Harvard alumni in a social reunion and to discuss definite plans for furthering the objects of the Federation--to organize new and to strengthen existing clubs; to bring the alumni into closer relations with the University and give them a larger voice in its affairs; and to furnish more students in the secondary schools with a knowledge of the advantages that Harvard offers.

On arrival at Providence the delegates and visiting graduates will be met by members of the Rhode Island Club, who will conduct them to luncheon at the University Club. A business meeting will follow, at which the president of the federated clubs and other prominent alumni will discuss plans for the future. After this meeting informal receptions will be held at the University, Hope and Art Clubs, the privileges of which will be extended to all delegates. A banquet will be held at the Churchill House in the evening, at which President Eliot will speak. C. T. Billings '84 will preside, and speeches will be made by LeBaron R. Briggs '75, Odin Roberts '86, Edward D. Pearce '71, and W. H. P. Faunce h.'04, president of Brown University.


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