

Team Lost Two Possible Scores by Calling of Time, But Won, 6 to 2.

Harvard defeated the Brown University football team last Saturday by the score of 6 to 2. During the first half the teams seemed fairly well matched, and neither was able to obtain any distinct advantage, but in the second half the University team had no trouble in gaining through the Brown line, and played a much superior game. The teams resorted mainly to the old style of line-plunging game, and had little or no success with the forward pass or onside kick. Punting was frequent on both sides, McKay, of Brown, with the wind behind him being able to keep the ball in the middle of the field. There was no scoring in the first half, but Harvard had the ball on its opponent's 20-yard line and was gaining consistently when time was called. In the last half both teams made their scores.

Harvard's touchdown was made on straight line plays from its own 40-yard line. White not only carried the ball over Brown's goal line for the touchdown, but made every first down. Brown's score came as the result of a punt which went over Cutler's head and was recovered on the goal line for a safety. Harvard nearly scored on two other occasions in the second half. Once the team was held on Brown's 14-yard line, and when time was called at the end of the game MacKay had just blocked Brown's punt on the 7-yard line and a single line play had advanced it to the 2-yard line. Brown was never formidable in this half, and except for a forward pass of twenty yards was unable to make any progress.

White's line plunging was the feature of the game: in the course of 28 rushes he carried the ball a total of 140 yards; he started fast and continually broke through centre for long gains. MacKay was exceptionally active, blocking a kick and spoiling several plays. Fish, who captained the team in Burr's absence, also played a splendid game. It was in the ends that the line was weak, for although Crowley and Cutting both played brilliantly at times, they were not down on punts and did not tackle hard. Cutler punted well, but was not so good in receiving the ball. Corbett ran well with little interference, though his work in the back-field was below the average, and Leslie and Ver Wiebe both played well; Ver Wiebe made especially good interference, and frequently pulled White along for further gains.

Brown made only forty yards by scrimmaging during the whole game, and Captain Mayhew did not show up as well as was expected. He played a fast game, however, and the two ends, Dennie and Regnier, did splendid work. J. McKay, the fullback and punter, kicked well and made the greater part of Brown's gains.

Mayhew kicked off to MacKay, who ran the ball back to the 30-yard line. White went through centre for five yards, and Kennard punted to Sprackling on Brown's 33-yard line. After an exchange of kicks Harvard received the ball, and White and Corbett made ten yards on two line plunges. White gained two first downs on centre plays, and had carried the ball down to Brown's 35-yard line, when Cutler's forward pass failed, and the ball went to Brown on the 50-yard line. Brown again received the ball after another exchange of punts. McKay, the Brown fullback, made twenty yards in two consecutive plunges, and the ball was on Harvard's 45-yard line, when Mayhew fumbled to Kennard. Corbett was put through right tackle for seven yards, and White made it first down. Cutler's onside kick went to Brown on their 30-yard line.


After a couple of line plays, the Brown fullback punted outside on the 50-yard line. Corbett made five yards, and Cutting followed with a gain of ten yards around right end, on a delayed pass. Brown got Cutler's onside kick on their 45-yard line, and failing to gain through the line was forced to punt to Cutler on Harvard's 25-yard line. Corbett plunged through left tackle for ten yards, and White made first down again in two centre plays. Cutler's onside kick went to Mayhew, and Brown immediately tried a forward pass, which went to Harvard on the 45-yard line. Corbett and White by good gains had carried the ball to Brown's 20-yard line, when time was called.

MacKay kicked off for Harvard in the second half, and Brown returned the ball to Harvard on the 45-yard line. From there. White took the ball eight yards, and, after a delayed pass had failed, made first down again. Cutting went around end for five yards, and White had carried the bad to the 14-yard line when Harvard was held for downs. Corbett received Brown's punt on Harvard's 50-yard line, and Cutler punted back to Sprackling, who was downed by Dunlap on Brown's 37-yard line. After MacKay had broken up a play, Brown punted to Corbett. There was an exchange of punts which ended with the ball in Harvard's possession on its 45-yard line. Cutting gained five yards on a delayed pass. White made eleven yards through centre, and Crowley, on a delayed pass went6Courtesy of the Boston Globe.DIAGRAM OF THE BROWN GAME.
