

Big Mass Meeting.--Burr's and Garcelon's Speeches.--A New Song.

It was announced at the mass meeting last evening that the classes would assemble in front of Holworthy Hall today at 3.30, to march to Soldiers Field for the last practice in Cambridge before the Yale game. This mass meeting surpassed both of the others held this year in attendance and spirit. A. G. Cable '09 led the cheering and introduced the speakers and L. K. Lunt '09 and M. B. Lang '02 led the singing.

Reports of Speeches.

Captain Burr, the first speaker was greeted with prolonged cheers. He spoke briefly about the development and condition of the team. The season began with rather moderate material,--men from second and Freshman teams. The team progressed satisfactorily until the Annapolis game, when it received a decided bump. This did the morale of the team a great deal of good. The Yale game, however, will be a hard one, and nobody should feel overconfident from the result of the Dartmouth game. In the coaching this year, the team has been made to do more thinking than before; it has been made to work out its own problems, as a means of being able to deal with emergencies. There was a great deal of doubt last spring as to the appointment of Coach Haughton. Nobody now doubts the wisdom of the choice.

W. F. Garcelon L.'95 spoke on the work taken to develop the recent successful teams. Captain Burr worked all last summer planning and making arrangements for this fall. The spirit of success has been felt by everyone, and everyone should foster this spirit by taking some part in the outdoor work. The teams would be benefited thereby, for the general physique of the University would be improved. The Freshman team has shown what can be accomplished by serious and determined effort. It completely outplayed and defeated a team which outweighed it fifteen pounds per man. This year there have been three coaching staffs, University, second team, and Freshman, all under the direction of Coach Haughton, who planned his entire campaign last summer.

Old and New Songs Rehearsed.


All of the old songs were rehearsed with spirit and the new songs, "Fal-e-rah" and the "Victory Song" showed decided improvement since the last mass meeting. "Harvard Every Day," by M. B. Lang '02, which was first sung at the dinner given by the Harvard Club of Boston last Friday, was tried and met with immediate and enthusiastic approval.

After the meeting, there was a short parade around the Yard.

The songs "Fal-e-rah" and the "Victory Song" have been finally selected by the Football Song Committee for singing at the Yale game. The authors are E. F. Hanfstaengl '09 and D. M. Payson 1L., respectively.

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