
Casts of the Cercle Francais Plays

The Cercle Francais will present the following two plays at its annual performance this winter: "L'Affaire de la rue Lourcene" and "La Famille Poisson." There will be a public performance at Jordan Hall, Boston, on the afternoon and evening of December 11.

The provisional casts are as follows: "L'AFFAIRE DE LA RUE LOURCENE." Lenglume,  J. Heard, Jr., '12 Mistinque,  L. Hill '10 Norine,  G. E. Jones '11 Patard,  J. Simpkins '12 Justen,  F. Ziegler '09 "LA FAMILLE POISSON." Raymond,  P. S. Abreu '11 Paul, son fils,  H. B. H. Ripley '12 Arnould, son petit fils,  J. Rouille 1G. Beausejour,  G. K. Munroe '10 Marianne,  E. D. Pierce '12
