

The institution known as the song Committee to which is entrusted the selection of suitable football songs can do one of two things. It can select from the large array of songs submitted six or eight of the best and try them out hurriedly at the mass meetings, or it can pick out one or two songs from the compositions contributed which it feels tolerably certain will prove satisfactory, and turn them over to the mass meeting to be learned thoroughly. This year's Committee has adopted the latter course. The circumstances this year practically necessitated this action. It was the Committee's opinion that of the forty songs submitted the great majority were not singable at all, while a few showed possibilities; it was not in a position, however, to recommend more than three, and one of these was a parody. Unfortunately, Song Committee are only human and owing to this limitation are subject to human errors. The songs on the whole did not meet the Committee's requirements and it was considered advisable only to recommend one or two and rely chiefly on the songs of previous years this season.
