

Announced That Burr May Play.--New and Old Songs Rehearsed.

The short mass meeting held in the Living Room of the Union last evening to practice the new football songs was enthusiastically and largely attended. Coach Campbell, who was expected to speak, was detained by a coaches' meeting, and was unable to be present. A. G. Cable '09 stated that the recovery of Captain Burr's shoulder has taken place more rapidly than anyone expected. Burr will probably play at New Haven, although it is too much to hope that he can remain in the contest throughout.

The two new songs tried at the last meeting, the "Victory Song" and "Fal-e rah," the opening lines of the latter of which had been rewritten, showed great improvement, but would have gone much better had the words been generally known. Both songs improved, however, during the course of the evening, after repeated encores. Some of the old songs were tried with considerable success.


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