
Clothing and Book Collection

The annual fall clothing and book collection of the Social Service Committee will be taken up tomorrow and Thursday of this week. The collectors appointed will call at the rooms in their building on these days between the hours of 2 and 3, and 7 and 8 P. M. Men who have any articles of clothing or any books or magazines which they wish to give are requested to be in their rooms during these hours so as to facilitate the collection. All who are unable to be in then, are requested to give the goods to the janitor who will deliver them to the collectors. Men living in private houses who wish to add to the collection are requested to send word to J. Curtiss, Dunster 40. All the articles collected will be distributed to worthy charitable organizations. The following articles are especially needed: text books of all kinds, coats, suits, sweaters, shirts, hats, gloves, underwear, neckwear, shoes, magazines, and books.
