

Several Prominent Men Engaged.--Series Will Begin This Month.

The Directors of the Union have arranged a remarkably interesting series of lectures for the current year. Arrangements have already been made for speeches by the following men:

In October, Mr. H. H. Clayton, of the Blue Hill Observatory, and Mr. Lincoln Steffens, author of "The Shame of the Cities"; in November, Mr. J. S. Wise, one of the most prominent lawyers of New York City, Mr. Beekman Winthrop, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Mr. T. M. Osborne, of the Committee on Public Utility in New York; in December, Mr. E. B. Baldwin, the Arctic explorer, and Mr. A. H. Woods, of the New York Police Department; in January, Dr. Charles A. Eastman, the only North American Indian on the lecture platform; in March, Hon. Samuel W. McCall, Representative from Massachusetts, Hon. J. B. Scott, Solicitor for the State Department, Mr. John Kendrick Bangs, the noted humorist, and Attorney General Bonaparte.

The following have signified their willingness to address the members of the Union, but the final dates for their lectures have not yet been arranged: Hon. William Travers Jerome, District Attorney of New York, Mr. John Hays Hammond, the engineer, Hon. Charlemagne Tower, American Ambassador to Germany, and Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Head of the United States Forestry Department.
