

The accompanying table gives the registration in all departments of the University at the close of registration on Monday, October 5, and the figures for the corresponding date last year. The total registration of the University, including the Summer School, is 5077. Deducting from this the estimated number of students also counted in the winter term, leaves 4902, a net gain of 97 over last year. The figures show a net loss of 71 in Harvard College, the increase in the number of Seniors being more than offset by the considerable losses in the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior classes. The Lawrence Scientific School, which is passing out of existence as an undergraduate department, shows an expected decrease-from 118 to 41; but the Graduate School of Applied Science, which is supplanting it, has made a gain of over 20 per cent. The Freshman class of the combined College and Scientific School is this year 599, as against 630 last year-a loss of 31. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences shows an increase of 28 in the number of resident students. The Divinity School has thus far enrolled 3 students more than last year. The Law School, shows a net gain of 4, while the registration of the Medical School shows a loss of 11. The Dental School shows a gain of 3. No men are registered in the Bussey Institution this year, the undergraduate members enrolling with their respective classes and the graduate members in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The new Graduate School of Business Administration reports an enrollment of 35. The Summer School courses show the largest increase of any department in the University-a gain of 111.   1908  1907 College and Lawrence Scientific School: Seniors,  363  303 Juniors,  485  495 Sophomores,  624  676 Freshmen,  599  630 Specials,  182  220   2253  2324 Graduate School of Applied Science:  67  53 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences:  372  343 Graduate School of Business Administration: First Year,  29 Special,  6   35 Total Arts and Sciences,  2727  2720 Divinity School: Graduates,  9  4 Third year,  3  7 Second year,  3  2 First year,  6  9 Specials,  7  3   28  25   1908  1907 Law School: Third year,  144  140 Second year,  184  166 First year,  234  253 Specials,  51  50   613  609 Medical School: Graduates,  11  9 Fourth year,  59  64 Third year,  67  62 Second year,  87  70 First year,  65  99 Specials,  5  1   294  305 Dental School: Third year,  22  23 Second year,  21  21 First year,  23  19   66  63 Bussey Institution,    20 Summer Courses,  1349  1230 Deduct summer students also counted in winter term.  175  167   1174  1063 Grand total in all departments, except Radcliffe College,  4902  4805
