
Chess Team Match Won from Brown

In a ten-board chess match last evening the University team easily won from Brown by the score of 7 1-2 games to 1 1-2 in the Chess Club rooms, Grays 20. Harvard had white on the odd boards. The Clark-McCoy match was unfinished, and will be adjudicated by Mr. Helms of New York. The outcome of the game will probably be a draw. The score of the match was as follows: HARVARD.    BROWN. Clark.    McCoy. Gruening,  1  Freeman,  0 Johnson,  1/2  Corp,  1/2 Dimock,  1  Meckel,  0 Childs,  1/2  Gretseh,  1/2 Parshley,  1  Draper,  0 Davis,  1  Conant,  0 Byerly,  1  Rosen,  0 Mitchel,  1  W. P. Burgess,  0 Bosson,  1/2  F. Burgess,  1/2 Totals,  7 1-2    1 1-2
