

Three Bumps Made Yesterday.--Five Crews Chosen for Contest Today.

The dormitory races yesterday were rowed under worse conditions than those which prevailed on Wednesday, and attracted little attention. The racing on the whole was better than on the first day, three bumps being made.

As a result of yesterday's racing, Claverly, Mount Auburn Street, Beck-Hampden-Fairfax, Randolph, and Thayer have been selected by Coach Wray and Captain. Severance to compete in the straight-away race today. This race, which will settle the interdormitory championship of the Filley Cup, will be rowed upstream over the one and one-half mile course from the Union boathouse to the Longwood bridge.

The race will be started at 4 o'clock, and the crews must report at their respective boathouses by 3.30 at the latest, in order to paddle down to the start in time. The result of the race is extremely doubtful. It seems likely, however, that Mount Auburn Street, being the fastest crew, will take the lead at the start, and it is not improbable that Claverly will show more lasting power and will finish first.

The orders of the five crews follow:

Claverly--Stroke, G. Martin '10; 7, R. Weston '12; 6, L. Hill '10; 5, P. Howe '11; 4, J. Thayer '10; 3, F. Chatfield '12; 2. F. Gilbert '11; bow, W. K. Macy '12; cox., W. Prescott '12.


Mount Auburn Street--Stroke, F. R. Maxwell '10; 7, M. Richardson, Jr., '09; 6, F. Newton '12; 5, E. W. Ellis '11; 4, R. Henderson '10; 3, E. B. Robbins '10; 2, L. W. Hill '10; bow, J. C. Hurd '10; cox., H. P. Faxon '12.

Beck-Hampden-Fairfax -- Stroke, C. Loring '10; 7, R. H. Coe '11; 6, T. G. Aspinwall '10; 5, S. Eliot '11; 4, J. G. Wiggins '12; 3, R. E. Peabody '09; 2, N. Sturgis '12; bow, C. G. Burden '11; cox., W. Edwards '09.

Randolph--Stroke, A. Hunnewell '12; 7, G. P. Metcalf '12; 6, D. Beal '11; 5, H. Platt '10; 4, T. W. Barnes '12; 3, A. Richard, Jr., '12; 2, C. Osborne '10; bow, G. Prince '10; cox., M. W. Cox '11.

Thayer--Stroke, H. Fowler '10; 7, L. O. Cummings '10; 6, H. V. Borst '11; 5, R. G. Haines '09; 4, G. G. Scheel '09; 3, C. W. Peabody '12; 2, R. W. Boyden '10; bow, G. P. McCouch '11; cox., W. H. Davis '10.

In the first division racing yesterday, Mount Auburn Street again showed itself to be a fast crew, and after gaining slowly on Claverly from the start, made a bump before the second bend. Beck-Hampden-Fairfax also rowed well, and bumped Randolph a few hundred yards before the first bend was reached. Thayer got off well at the start and kept steadily ahead of Second Mount Auburn Street.

In the second division the crews were more evenly matched. At the first bend Weld was some ninety feet ahead of Matthews, but at the second bend quickened the stroke and finished far in the lead. Before the second bend Russell-Ware had bumped College House. Matthews was considered bumped as it did not keep to the inside of the river, and allow Perkins to bump.
