
Mr. Whiting's First Chamber Concert

The first recital in Mr. Arthur Whiting's series of expositions of classical and modern chamber music will be given in the lecture hall of the Fogg Art Museum this evening at 8 o'clock. It will be open only to officers and students of the University. There will be no admission charge.

The program, for voice and pianoforte, to be rendered by Mr. Whiting and Mrs. Charles Rabold, will be as follows:

Italian--Rotani, 15'--16'--"Se bel rio"; Durante, 1684-1755--"Danza, danza"; Monteverde, 1568-1643 -- "Lasciatemi morire."

Irish--Unknown--"Eileen's Farewell"; "The Stolen Heart"; "The Marriage."

Swedish--Unknown, "The Maiden and the Hazel-bush"; "Remember, when Thou art come again."


German--Brahms, 1833-1897--"Wir wandelten"; "Therese"; "Den Schmied"; "Am Sonntag Morgen"; "Mein Liebe istgruen."

Norwegian--Grieg, 1843-1897--"A lovely Evening"; "Hope"; "A Swan"; "Morning."
