The Freshman football team and Phillips Andover Academy played each other to a standstill in the game at Andover on Saturday, which resulted in a no-score tie. The teams were very evenly matched and neither could rush the ball beyond its opponent's 25-yard line. Punting was frequent as neither side was able to gain consistently. Andover made two fumbles on both of which the Freshmen made long gains. The only time a score seemed imminent was when Porter, Andover's fullback, barely missed a field-goal from the 40-yard line.
Fisher in the line, excelled for the Freshmen, forming good interference and dragging his man after him for long gains. Pierce at right halfback showed up will, both he and Wigglesworth running back punts for good gains in a broken field. At end, Smith was good on the offensive and in breaking up Andover's interference. Winston was slightly out-punted by Porter.
For Andover, Porter played the best game. Pierce at left tackle and Coates and Paine at the end positions also did well.
The summary: Score--Harvard 1912, 0; Phillips Andover, 0. Referee--Bankart. Umpire--Henage. Field judge--Poynter. Head linesman--Reilly. Time--25 and 20-minute periods.
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