

Today's football game with Annapolis presents the first real opportunity of the year to gain a critical estimate of just what can be expected from this year's team. The games thus far, although one or two have been fairly close and only won by small scores, are of meagre value in estimating the real power of attack and defense. No amount of scrimmaging against a weak line will bring out a team's possibilities. From all accounts the Navy is a strong opponent for this stage of the season, with an aggressive line and quite a variety of backfield men, one or two of whom will stand comparison with the best backs of the big teams. They are without the services of last year's remarkable ends, and are in this respect considerably handicapped. In the game last year, Harvard won through a blocked kick, being unable to gain consistently by rushing. Both teams will be stronger today than last year, Harvard probably showing more advance than the Navy. The team is not in the best of condition and does not present the line-up which will in all probability be used later in the season.
