
Gymnastic Team Plans

A meeting of candidates for the University gymnastic team was held last evening at which a number of experienced men were present. The new candidates will be called out in a few weeks, and a large number are expected to report. Captain E. L. Souder '10 outlined the year's plans, and described the benefits of the work. Speeches were also made by C. L. Schader and G. F. Evans 3Dv., who will coach the team jointly this year. A novice meet for men who have never won any prizes will be held on December 16 to choose the University team.

The schedule for the year consists in exhibitions at Exeter, Andover, St. Mark's, St. Paul's, and Amherst on successive Saturdays, beginning January 9; dual meets with Columbia and Yale, and the intercollegiate meet on March 26.

The following men have handed in their names as candidates: N. J. Beals '11, W. A. Boughton '07, A. S. Burnham '10, H. N. Coryell '11, R. V. Moody '11, H. R. Rafsky '10, L. E. Stover '11, F. W. Whitman '09, H. Willcox '12, J. C. Wister '09, S. Wolfman '11, E. S. Wolfston '10. There are three members of last year's team eligible again: E. G. Curtis '10, E. Schauroth '10, and E. L. Souder '10.
