
Freshman Fall Track Meet at 4

The Freshman track meet will start this afternoon promptly at 4 o'clock, and every man is requested to be dressed on time. Men may enter on the field, provided they have passed the strength test. Extra cups will be given for any records that are broken.

The schedule of events follows:

Track Events. 4.00-120-yard low hurdles. Trials. 4.05-100-yard dash. Trials. 4.10-880-yard run. 4.15-120-yard low hurdles. Finals. 4.20-100-yard dash. Finals. 4.25-One-mile run. 4.30-440-yard run. 4.40-Two-mile run. 4.50-220-yard dash.

Field Events. 4.00-High jump. 4.00-Putting 16-1b. shot. 4.00-Pole-vault. 4.20-Running broad jump. 4.20-16-1b. hammer-throw.

The following are requested to report at the Locker Building at 3.45 o'clock to act as officials:


Referee-J. D. Leland '09.

Marshals-P. W. Carter '10, G. Farwell '09, O. W. Knauth '09.

Judges-W. M. Rand '09, M. H. Stone '07, W. F. Whitcher '09.

Starter-P. C. Lockwood '08.

Timers-H. Watson '10, R. C. Foster '11.

Field judges-F. P. Farquhar '08, R. G. Harwood '09, S. C. Lawrence '10, T. J. Reynolds '09.

Measurers-P. A. Broderick '10, H. S. Clark '09, H. R. Gilbert '09, J. C. Hind '10.

Scorer-G. L. Harding '10.

Clerks of course-F. P. Ferguson '10, W. White '10.

For the list of entries see yesterday's CRIMSON.
