

The Reception to Freshmen this evening in Phillips Brooks House is the first real welcome the class of 1912 has had on entering the life of the University. There is no attempt at formality at these functions and the intention is to make all newcomers feel as much at home and as little like wandering, bewildered, unappreciated Freshmen as possible.

One of the specific objects in view is to lay before them an idea of the work carried on by the various organizations which center in Brooks House and to present these activities in the proper light.

It is so often the case that undertakings of this nature are viewed somewhat askance by persons unfamiliar with the real situation and these receptions are provided to avoid such delusions. The unsolicited halo which in the past has surrounded the House and the men who have had interests there is being worn off a little more each year and the tendency to shy at any object or being associated with Brooks House is no longer evident. The reason is that men have been made to appreciate the value of the work undertaken there and the necessity of its being carried forward in our community as it is in all moral and progressive societies, with the result that men of all types and interests, of position and influence, have been glad to lend a hand.

The House is thrown open tonight with cordial hospitality to all newcomers to hear of the work and opportunities, and to enjoy a sociable evening together.
