
Eleventh Hour Changes in Courses

Owing to the absence of Professor Davis, Geology 7 will be given in the second hall-year and not in the first.

Philosophy 13b, announced in the first edition of the Elective Pamphlet as a second half-year course, will be given in the first half-year.

English 37, announced in the first edition of the Elective Pamphlet as a second half-year course, will be given in the first half-year.

History 30 will not be given this year.

The hours of Business 25 (Corporation Finance) have been changed from 2.30-4.30 to 4.30-6.


Owing to the absence of Professor Coolidge, History 19 will not be given this year. History 18, announced as a first half-year course, will be given in the second half-year.

In the absence of Asst. Professor A. P. Andrew, Economics 8a, 8b, 12, and 20f will be given by Asst. Professor W. C. Mitchell (University of California).

Economics 18, when taken by undergraduates not intending to enter the Graduate School of Business Administration, may with the consent of the instructor be taken as a half-course in the first half-year. This course, announced for 3.30 P. M. in the first edition of the Elective Pamphlet, will be given at 11 A. M.
