
Lectures by Judge Neitzel

Judge Walter Neitzel of Strassburg, Germany will deliver a series of lectures on "The Principles of German Civil Law" in the north lecture room of Austin Hall on Monday and Tuesday afternoons at 2 o'clock. The first lecture will be given on Monday, October 26.

He will divide the course into three parts, the first will be introductory, and will comprise four lectures; the second part will be devoted to historical remarks, which will be reviewed in one lecture; and the third part to the German civil code, which will cover ten lectures.

The introduction will consist of a discussion of the federal and states' powers under the German constitution, the courts and the judges, the private and public law, with their different branches of civil, commercial and constitutional law, procedure and the like, and the principal statutes relative thereto, and an outline of civil procedure. The historical remarks will deal with the German and Roman law as the two sources of the modern civil law of Germany. The German civil code on which the greater part of the time is spent will include the fundamental principles, selected topics and cases, the law of persons, juristic acts and their validity, contracts, torts, the law of real and personal property, Torren's system of the registration of land, domestic relations, and inheritance law.
