

Appeal for Republican Parade.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As has been announced in the CRIMSON, there is to be an intercollegiate torchlight parade in Boston on Friday evening, October 30. The executive committee of the Harvard Republican Club has decided that no member of the University will be allowed in line without the costume. This costume consists of a red cap and gown and a torch, which can be obtained by purchasing a ticket, price $1.00. These tickets are now on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Union, Memorial Hall, the Republican headquarters, 3 Boylston street, and Butler's. Five hundred tickets must be sold before the contract for the costumes can be signed, so that it is imperative that all who wish to parade should purchase their tickets at once. Four years ago 1200 Harvard men turned out in this identical costume. There should be more in line this year, particularly as it is an intercollegiate parade, and Harvard should make a good showing. W. G. ROELKER, JR.
