
Magazine Articles by Harvard Men

The following articles by Harvard men have appeared in the summer magazines:

Atlantic--(June), "Alexandre Dumas," G. Bradford, Jr., '86; "The Political Novel," W. Everett '59; (July), "Lady Mary Wortortley Montague," P. E. Moore p.'93; "Nature Against Nurture," E. T. Brewster '90; (Aug.), "The King's Son of Palemban," W. J. Hopkins '85; "Honest Literary Criticism," C. M. Thompson '86; "The Romance of Motoring," H. C. Greene '94.

Broadway Magazine--"What Happened in Harrison's Office," F. W. Preston '78.

Century--(July), "The South and the Saloon," W. G. Brown '91; (Aug.), "How Carty Carteret Proposed," D. Gray '92.

Cosmopolitan--(July), "Error Through Strong Drink," J. Hawthorne '67.


Forum--"A Prose Epic of Marriage," F. T. Cooper '86.

Harper's--(July), "Republican Aristocracy," T. W. Higginson '41.

Hibbert Journal--(July), "Pluralism and Religion," W. James M.'69; "Enlightened Action the True Base of Morality," A. H. Lloyd '86.

International Journal of Ethics--(July), "The Relation of Righteousness to Brute Acts," A. H. Lloyd '86; "Mr. Bernard Shaw as a Social Critic," W. M. Slater T.'76.

McClure's--(Aug.), "Prohibition and Social Psychology," H. Munsterberg h.'01; "100 Christian Science Cures," R. C. Cabot '89.

Metropolitan--(July), "Hypnotism and Freedom," H. Munsterberg h.'01; (Aug.), "The Reverend Bong," H. M. Rideout '99.

North American Review -- (July), "Queen Victoria's Letters," J. Bryce h.'07; "The Centennial of Lincoln and Darwin," W. R. Thayer '81; "The Outcome of the Southern Race Question," A. B. Hart '80; (Aug.), "Postal Savings Banks," G. V. L. Meyer '79.

Outing--(July), "Organization of the Summer Community," R. Hitchcock '77; (Aug.), "Boating on the Charles River," A. S. Pier '95.

Popular Science Monthly--(July), "Hypothesis of Radiant Matter," W. Loeb '83; "The Mississippi River Problem," W. S. Tower '03.

Review of Reviews--(Aug.), "The Gyroscope and How we May Make it Useful," A. G. Webster '85.

St. Nicholas--(July), "Historic Boyhoods," R. S. Holland '00.

Scribifer's--(June), "The Quondam Club," E. S. Martin, '77; (July), "Guaranty of Bank Deposits," J. L. Laughlin '73; "Two Fools and a Farm," B. Gilman '80.
