

Club Officers Elected and Speeches Made at Initial Meeting.

At a very enthusiastic meeting in the Trophy Room of the Union, the Harvard Democratic Club was launched for this campaign. J. Voigt 3L., was elected president; J. R. McKissick sL., vice-president; J. E. Dewey '10, secretary and treasurer. The chairman was then authorized to appoint an executive committee of five to run the campaign.

Alderman Brennan was then introduced. He explained the Cambridge poll-tax and assessment, and added that any men, who were old enough to vote, and had not been assessed in May, could be added to the supplementary list. He had to appear at the City Hall to testify as a "bona-fide" citizen. Then Mr. Brennan said that he would be at Butler's today and tomorrow to help any such men. The hours of registration are today from 10 to 4 and tomorrow from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M.

Representative W. F. Murray spoke on the position of the college man in the United States government. He does not know anything about the candidate for the council or the representative, a thing that every workman is familiar with, and he knows very little even about his senator. But the college man can make good use of his economic knowledge of tariff and labor questions, and can control the government. "Self-government is the key-note of our institutions." Every well-educated man has that power for good or evil in his hands. Mr. Murray, then said that the current idea about Mr. Vahey, the Democratic nominee for governor, that he did "everything with a brass band," was false; and that from actual experience he knew him to be quiet and dignified.

Mr. Murray and Mr. Brennan were then made honorary members of the club.

Some Democratic speeches will be delivered in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. R. S. Hoar 1L., chairman of the national sub-committee on college clubs will speak first, and will be followed by Hon. Charles S. Hamlin, Secretary of the Treasury under President Cleveland, who will talk on the tariff question. President Voigt of the Democratic Club will introduce the speakers.
