
Additions to Union Library

The following books have been added to the Union Library during the summer:

Works of Anthony Trollope, 38 vols.; Tauchnitz edition, gift from H. P. Arnold '52.

Works of W. H. Prescott, 15 vols.

"Home Life in Germany," by Mrs. Alfred Lidwick.

"A Sentimental Journey," by Sterne.


"La Maison du Peche," by M. Tuiayre.

"Present Day Problems," by W. H. Taft.

"Realities and Ideals," by F. Harrison.

"Peter," by F. Hopkinson Smith.

"Further Experiences of an Irish R. M.," by Somerville and Ross.

"The Testing of Diana Mallory," by Mrs. Humphrey Ward.

"The United States as a World Power," by A. C. Coolidge.

"The Chaperon," by C. N. and A. M. Williamson.

"The Shell Book," by Julia E. Rogers.

Harvard Class Album, 1908.

Class of 1878; Secretary's Report.

"Redemption," by Rene Bazin.

"Mountaineering in the Land of the Midnight Sun," by Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond. "Ocean Life in the Old Sailing-Ship Days," by I. D. Whidden.

"African Nature Notes and Reminiscences," by F. C. Selons.

"The Lure of the Mask," by H. MacGrath.

"Halfway House," by M. Hewlett.

"Together," by R. Herrick '90.

"Persia the Awakening East," by W. P. Cresson.

"The Post Girl," by E. C. Booth '71.

"The Firing Line," by R. W. Chambers.

"The Confessions of a Railroad Signalman," by J. O. Fagan.

"Along the Rivieras of France and Italy," by G. Home
