In a last and exciting game the University football team defeated Williams Saturday afternoon by the score of 10 to 0. At no time during the game was the victory in doubt, and twice the University team lost good opportunities to score. Burr's goal from placement on Williams's 43-yard line was the feature of the game, and his punting gave Harvard a constant advantage throughout the game. During the first half the play was fairly even; the offence of both teams was weak, and they were frequently forced to punt. During the last half, after the second set of backs were put in, the University team played its best game this year. The first score was made after a few minutes of play on Burr's goal from the field, and the touchdown came in the early part of the second half, after Corbett and White had made forty yards on two successive tackle plays. Harvard lost two good chances to score, in the first half when Cutler failed to get off a short forward pass on Williams's 5-yard line, and again at the very beginning of the second half when Burr's placement goal from the 20-yard line went wrong. Nourse got the ball on a line play in the first half and ran sixty yards for a touchdown, but the referee had blown his whistle just as he started and he was called back. Both teams were frequently penalized for holding. The Williams defense was so well carried out that forward passes were practically impossible, and none were run off successfully. Burr tried a beautiful long pass during the last half, but both Brown and Cutting were blocked and the play failed. Corbett and White played hard and fast, and Leslie and Long showed up exceedingly well, particularly Leslie, who picked his holes well, started fast, and went through the Williams line for long gains. Cutler seems to improve with every game, and in the second half did fine work.
In the first half Cutler received the ball on the kick-off and ran it back to the middle of the field; Smith went through centre for five yards, but Peterson got Cutler's onside kick in the next play. Williams was thrown for loss, and Brown punted to Cutler in the middle of the field. Harvard was put back to the 45-yard line for holding, and Corbett gained two yards at right tackle. Burr then made a goal from placement. Cutler got the ball on the kick-off and ran back to the 28-yard line, where Burr punted. On the next play Harvard was given the ball on a penalty, and Burr punted to the Williams 23-yard line, where Harding got the ball on an abortive forward pass. Corbett made ten yards through right tackle but Cutler's forward pass was blocked and Williams received the ball on downs on its own 5-yard line. Peterson punted the ball out of danger and when time was called it was in Harvard's possession in the middle of the field.
When the second half began Brown and Cutting were sent in at end, in place of Harding and Crowley. Burr kicked off; Williams punted back to Smith, who made a fair catch on Williams's 20-yard line. Burr failed to kick a goal from placement, and Brown punted out to Cutler, who was downed on the 45-yard line. It was then that Corbett made the longest run of the game, twenty-five yards. White followed him for twenty more on a fake kick. Corbett went through right tackle for two yards, after which Cutler pulled White through the opposite tackle for a touchdown. Burr kicked the goal. Harvard's backfield was changed at this point. After an exchange of punts, Harvard got the ball on its own 47-yard line. Leslie and Cutler made fifteen yards in two rushes; then Leslie found a good hole at right tackle and went through for fifteen yards. Burr tried a 30-yard forward pass to Cutting, who was blocked, the ball going to Williams. Brown broke up a forward pass and threw the man who received the ball for a loss. Williams punted, but the kick was blocked, and Harvard received the ball on the 27-yard line. Leslie made five yards at left tackle and Long carried the ball through the other side of the line for twelve yards. When time was called Harvard had the ball on Williams's 10-yard line.
The summary:
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