
First Hockey Practice in Stadium

The University hockey squad held its first practice in the Stadium rink, yesterday afternoon. In a long scrimmage in which all the men were given a try out, the University team defeated the second team by the score of 9 to 1. The shooting was harder and more accurate than last Saturday, and the forwards worked together better although their passing was still very erratic. The defense of the University team showed improvement and the second team's forwards got but few shots at the goal.

C. Macleod '10 and J. R. Chapin '10 reported for the first time. S. T. Hicks '10 and F. A. B. Washburn '09 were taken to the University training table last night.

The teams lined up as follows: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Pell, l.e.  r.e., Hicks, Paine, Chapin Briggs, Paine, Gardner, Hicks, l.c.  r.c., Irving, Crosby, Dutton Rumsey, r.c.  l.c., Cutler, Dole Newhall, r.e.  l.e., Gardner, Briggs, Doherty Ford, c.p.  c.p., Lovering, Lippman Willetts, p.  p., Sampson, Butt, Binger, Parker Washburn, g.  g., Carpenter, Fahnestock, Wolfe, Alexander

Score--University team, 9; Second team, 1. Goals--Rumsey 4, Briggs 2. Newhall, Pell, Paine, Irving. Referee--A. Winsor '02. Timer--Donovan. Time--50-minute period.
