
Brisk Hockey Yesterday

The University hockey team had a long scrimmage with the second team yesterday afternoon, and won 9 to 2. The play of the first team was very good, the men playing well individually and showing a great deal of team work. Pell, Newhall and Ford did the best work for the University team, and Briggs and Butt for the second. Briggs showed up well individually but refused to pass the puck repeatedly, when scores were possible. Carpenter at goal on the second, did some good work, and as the playing was mostly about his goal, he did well to hold the score down to 9. The best single play of the afternoon was a splendid exhibition of passing by Pell and Ford, after which the latter scored.

The line-up:

Score--University team 9, Second team 2. Goals--Newhall 4, Pell 3, Rumsey, Ford; Gardner, Briggs. Umpire--Coates. Timer--Donovan. Time 40-minute period. UNIVERSITY TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Pell, l.e.  r.e., Paine Hicks, l.c.  r.c., Fraser-Campbell Rumsey, r.c.  l.c., Briggs, Dutton Newhall, r.e.  l.e., Gardner Ford, c.p.  c.p., Butt Willetts, p.  p., Sampson Washburn, g.  g., Carpenter
