
Yale Hockey Game Applications

Applications for the Harvard-Yale hockey game, which will be played on Saturday, February 15, at 8.15 o'clock at the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, should be sent in to the H. A. A. office before Friday, February 7, at 5 o'clock. All applications must be accompanied by checks, or they will not be received. The price of the tickets is $3.00 and $2.50.

Preference will be given in the following order: 1. Graduate and undergraduate holders of season tickets, first, for one seat, second, for two seats, third, for three or four seats, holder to occupy one seat in each case. II. Applications from season ticket holders, not for personal use, in above order. III. Applications from non-season-ticket holders in above order.

Applications for tickets may be obtained at the H. A. A. office, Leavitt & Peirce's, the Co-operative, Brine's, Oak Grove Creamery, and at Wright & Ditson's, Boston.
