
Freshman Hockey vs. Pomfret

The Freshman hockey team will play its fourth game of the season with Pomfret School at Pomfret this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The team has recently displayed great improvement in team work, and should show up well in that respect. It will probably win this afternoon, as Pomfret has already been defeated by St. Paul's School, Concord.

The line-up: 1911.  POMFRET. Chase, Leslie, l.e.  r.e., Chauncey Cutler, l.c.  r.c., Bowne Dick, r.c.  l.c., Lowery Seamans, Hornblower, r.c.  l.e., Yarnall Foster, c.p.  c.p., Lawrence Johnson, p.  p., Scully Andrews, g.  g., Peabody
