
Broad Jump Competition Today at 4

The final competition in the broad jump will be held in the Cage at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The following men have been entered: E. R. Dick '11, 4 in.; W. P. Dillingham '11, 6 in.; T. M. Gregory '10, 6 in.; P. C. Haskell '08, 4 in.; C. C. Little '10, scratch; J. P. Long '11, 6 in.; H. Rogers '10, 1 ft.; O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08, scratch; E. H. Ruch '10, 4 in.; B. T. Stephenson, Jr., '08, 4 in.; A. G. Winward '10, 6 in.

In the shot-putting competition for the season L. W. Bangs '08 is first with a total of ten points, R. G. McKay '11, second with six points, and C. Hann '11 and J. J. McGuire '11 are tied for third place with one point each. In the competition yesterday afternoon Bangs won, with McKay and Hann in second and third places respectively.
