The University hockey team defeated Princeton last Saturday evening at the St. Nicholas Rink by the score of 6 to 2. This is the second victory for Harvard and the second defeat for the Princeton team, which is now practically out of the running for the championship of the intercollegiate league.
The game was much closer than the score would indicate and until the last few minutes neither side had a comfortable lead. There was considerable rough play, both teams being penalized several times. Pell and Rumsey played well for Harvard, and Peacock and Read for Princeton. Newhall was unable to play because of sickness.
After the puck had gone from side to side several times, and Harvard had missed two chances to score, Rumsey scored on a long shot. The next goal was made by Hicks, who scored from a scrimmage in front of Princeton's goal. On the next face-off Read secured the puck and lifted it into the net from the middle of the rink. The University forwards then came down the ice together and Paine shot a clever goal from the side-boards.
In the second half Brush made a pretty try for a goal which Washburn stopped; but Osborne scored on the pass from behind the goal. Princeton now forced the play, but failed to score through inaccurate shooting, while the University team made three more goals.
The summary: Score--Harvard, 6; Princeton, 2. Goals--Hicks 2, Rumsey 2, Paine, Pell, Osborne, Read. Referees--Dr. McKenzie, Hockey Club, C. Kennedy, Crescent A. C. Goal umpires--R. Kernan '03. R. Leake, Princeton. Time--20-minute halves.
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