
Verein "Fichtefeier" Tonight

The Deutscher Verein will hold a "Fitchtefeier" this evening at 9 o'clock in the rooms of the society at 1234 Massachusetts avenue, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the delivery of Fichte's speeches to the German people.

Fichte's masterpiece, "Uber der Begriff der Wissenchaftslehre," was written with the purpose of proving the theoretical and practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant. His greatest axiom was "act according to your predestination" because he regarded the laws of one's individually as supreme. He was a powerful influence in the natural philosophy of Schelling and in the dogma of identity of Hegel.

Professor Julius Goebel and Professor Hugo Munsterberg will speak on Fichte's life and services, and J. Lowenberg 1G, will read from his last oration. Invitations have been sent to the members of the Philosophical and German Departments and it is expected that all will be present. Junior and Senior members of the society may bring two guests each.
