At a meeting of the Freshman class, held last night in Lower Massachusetts, with an unusually large attendance, the following officers were elected for the year: president, Edward Harding, of Boston, Groton; vice-president, Perry Dunlap Smith, of Chicago, Hill secretary and treasurer, William Oveson, of Osage, Hotchkiss.
The total number if votes cast for each office was: for president 370, 375; for vice-president 328; for secretary and treasurer 349.
The first ballot for president resulted as follows: Harding 184, H. Jacques 71, A. Sweetser 66, R. McKay 49. The second ballot was between the two leading candidates and resulted as follows: Harding 238, Jacques 137. The following is the number of votes cast for each man nominated for vice-president; Smith 192, J. McGuire 58, O. M. Chadwick 50, C. Crowley 28; for secretary and treasurer; Oveson 180, H. MacNider 112, H. A. Rogers 57.
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