

Eminent Diplomat, Former Law School Professor, Died in Siam.

Hon. Edward Henry Strobel '77, once Bemis Professor of International Law at the University, died yesterday in Siam. His death was due to poisoning contracted from the bite of an insect. After graduating from the College, Professor Strobel studied at the Harvard Law School, and received the degree of LL.D. in 1882. He was secretary of the United States legation in Madrid from 1885 to 1890, but returned to the United States in 1893 to become third assistant secretary of state. In 1894 he was appointed United States minister plenipotentiary to Ecuador, but resigned three years later to become minister to Chile. In 1903 he became General Adviser to the Government of Siam, and filled that position until his death. He was recently promoted by President Fallieres from the grade of officer of the Legion of Honor to that of Grand Officer of the order. This promotion was made in recognition of Professor Strobel's services in securing the recent treaty between France and Siam.
