

In Union Tonight at 8 o'clock.--On "Roughing it in the Rockies."

The Reverend E. A. Paddock of Idaho, reformer, platform orator, and founder and president of the Idaho Industrial Institute, will give an illustrated lecture on "Roughing it in the Rockies" in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. No one is better able to treat this subject than Mr. Paddock, who has lived for 25 years in the West among cowboys, ranchmen and miners; and no one knows better than he what has become of the thousands of adventures, prospectors, outlaws, and with them the educated and thoughtful men who went out west to get a living. Born in a Wisconsin lumber camp and receiving only a very meagre schooling, Mr. Paddock worked his way through Oberlin College by cutting lumber. After studying Theology at Union Seminary, New York, he went West again and, seeking out places where no one else would go, he established several churches and did much for the people.

Reflecting on his own struggle to get an education, he resolved to found a school where the poorest boys and girls might learn and at the same time pay all the expenses of their education. This resolution was carried out in the Idaho Industrial Institute which he founded eight years ago with the help of five or six friends. Twenty students were admitted at that time. Today the school has increased to a remarkable degree and still there is a waiting list of over 200 who cannot be accommodated. The lecture will be open only to members of the Union.
