The University Catalogue, which will be issued on January 20, shows a total enrolment this year of 6183, a decrease of 62 from last year's figures. The registration of the Lawrence Scientific School, the Bussey Institute, and the Afternoon and Saturday Courses for Teachers indicates a considerable falling off from last year, which is not counterbalanced by gains in the Law School and the Summer School. The drop in the Lawrence Scientific School was to be expected, since many men are taking advantage of the opportunity to register in Harvard College for the degree of S.B. The loss from this cause is, however, only 108 as compared with 300 last year. The Graduate School of Applied Science has more than doubled in size, from 29 to 63. A table of the statistics of enrolment follows: First year. Second year. Third year. Fourth year. Fifth year. Specials. Total '07-'08. Total '06-'07. Change from '06-'07. Harvard College, 607 679 467 293 231 2277 2247 30 Lawrence Scientific School, 22 25 23 26 96 204 --108 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 400 387 13 Graduate School of Applied Science, 63 29 34 Total Arts and Sciences, 629 704 490 319 231 2836 2867 --31 First year. Second year. Third year. Fourth year. Graduates Specials. Total '07-'08. Total '06-'07. Change from '06-'07. Divinity School, 9 3 10 8 1 31 39 --8 Law School, 280 199 172 2 63 716 697 19 Medical School, 101 84 55 57 45 3 345 320 25 Dental School, 20 21 25 2 68 65 3 Bussey Institute, 22 43 --21 Total Professional Schools, 410 307 262 57 57 67 1182 1164 18 Deduct for names inserted more than once, --6 --5 --1 Total University, 1039 1011 752 376 57 298 4012 4026 --14 Afternoon and Saturday Courses for teachers, 104 153 --49 Summer Schools, 1126 1093 33 Deduct for names inserted in Summer School and also in other schools, --167 --162 --5 Radcliffe College, 63 95 61 65 58 78 420 456 --36 Officers of Instruction and Administration, 688 679 9 Total University enrolment, 6183 6245 --62