

University Team Plays Wesleyan in the Gymnasium at 8 o'clock.

The University basketball team will play the second game of its schedule with Wesleyan this evening at 8 o'clock in the Gymnasium. Admission to the game will be 50 cents and season tickets will be on sale at the door.

The game last Tuesday showed up the weakness and strong points in this year's team. Brooks at right guard is very fast and carries the ball down the floor well, but has a tendency to play too open a game, to leave his men uncovered and not to pass enough. Almy, left guard, covers well and is strong on the defense, but his offensive work is a little weak. Browne, the centre, has the necessary speed but lacks experience. Before the season is over he should develop into a strong centre. The chief weakness of the forwards is their extremely erratic shooting. Allen passes well and Currie's floor work is good, but both miss easy shoots much too frequently.

Wesleyan, which is one of the strongest college teams in the country, has defeated the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia by the scores of 25 to 17 and 20 to 18 respectively. The team is the same as last year's with the exception of Closson, a freshman, who has displaced one of last year's regular players. Chamberlain was given a position on the all-New England basketball team last season and Soule was considered the most accurate shot in the New England League. Last year Wesleyan defeated the University team 15 to 14 and the chances seem to be considerably in her favor this year. The teams will line-up as follows: HARVARD  WESLEYAN. Currie, l.f.  r.f., Closson Allen, r.f.  l.f., Soule Browne, c.  c., White Almy, l.g.  r.g., Hayward Brooks, r.g.  l.g., Chamberlain, Grant
