[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subject of timely interest. The Crimson is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Next Thursday, October 3, at 10 A. M., Professor Paul Clemen of the University of Bonn, our new guest from Germany, will begin his American activity by giving, in the large lecture room of Robinson Hall, his first lecture in the course on German and French Art from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century. Permit me to express the hope that at that hour a large body of Harvard students will be present in Robinson Hall to give Professor Clemen a hearty welcome in our midst.
We all know with what cordiality and eagerness our own representatives at Berlin University, Professor Peabody and Professor Richards, were received by the Emperor, the professors and the students, and with what intense interest and absorption large numbers of students have attended their lectures throughout the semester. It is most earnestly to be desired that Harvard men will not fall short of their brethren of Berlin University in intellectual hospitality and zeal to-learn from foreign masters.
We gratefully remember how much Professor Kuhnemann gave us last year. I am sure that Professor Clemen has fully as much to offer in his subject. He is one of the acknowledged leaders in the study of European art. His lectures at Bonn University are regularly attended by 300 to 500 students. As the head of the Government Commission for the preservation of works of art in the Rhineland he is rendering inestimable services to the lovers of art all the world over. The fact that for years he has been travelling companion to the German Crown Prince, shows that he is a thorough man of the world. His visit to our University is a most exceptional opportunity for the study of the history of art in its broadest aspect. KUNO FRANCKE