In many of our recitation-rooms the air during recitations is so stale that long before the end of the hour the classes become drowsy and uncomfortable. This is rarely the fault of inadequate ventilation, but is in most cases due to indifference on the part of undergraduates. Men who despise personal uncleanliness will sit in a poisonous atmosphere and watch unconcerned some enemy of the race cut off all hope by fastening down the last window. In winter the desire for warm air, however thick it may be, has a superficial excuse, but in mild weather only the confirmed poison-inhaler can excuse the condition of many of our class-rooms.
We hope that with the beginning of a new year, the majority who prefer healthful air will exert their rights and prove their independence from the domination of the antiquated exponents of the closed window. Furthermore, we would suggest that instructors who wonder at the lagging attention which they are receiving should use their influence to remedy material conditions before looking farther for an explanation.
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