This evening at 7.30 o'clock the Phillips Brooks House Association will give its annual reception to new students. As in former years the new men will assemble in Peabody Hall on the third floor of Phillips Brooks House, where addresses will be made by various prominent members of the University, who will be introduced to the Freshman by G. Emerson '08, president of the Association. Dean Hurlbut will be the first speaker and will officially welcome the newcomers to Harvard. Coach Crane will talk on the football situation and C. M. Stearns, regent of the University, will also give an informal talk. R. H. Oveson '05, 3L., and S. Ervin '08 will then discuss in general the activities of undergraduates.
After the addresses have been made the meeting will adjourn to the ground floor where refreshments will be served and an opportunity given to meet classmates and upperclassmen informally.
A cordial invitation is extended by the Phillips Brooks House Association to all new students to attend the reception.
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