The closing exercises of the fourth session of the International Congress of Religious Liberals will take place in Sanders Theatre tomorrow at 10 o'clock. The Hon. John D. Long '57 will preside over the meeting. President Eliot will deliver the address of welcome which will be followed by an address from Professor E. Montet of Geneva, Switzerland, on "John Calvin and the Reformation Movement at Geneva." Professor O. Pfleiderer of Berlin will then discuss "The Tendency of Positive Religions to Universal Religion," after which an illustrated description of Harvard will be given by Professor F. G. Peabody '69. At 12.30 o'clock foreign guests and delegates will be invited by the University to lunch at the Union, while the American delegates will be received by the First Parish of Cambridge in the Parish House. From 2 to 4 o'clock there will be personally conducted visits to the University grounds, buildings, and museums, and to the historic and literary landmarks of Cambridge. Tomorrow, Sanders Theatre will be open to the public after the delegates and other members of the congress have been seated in the reserved sections.
Among those who are interested in the present congress, and who are largely in charge of the details are Rev. S. A. Eliot '84, president of the congress, and Mr. E. H. Nichols '78 of Cambridge, while the list of honorary vice-presidents includes President Eliot, Rev. G. Batchelor '66, Col. T. W. Higinson '41, Professor G. F. Moore, D.D., and Professor C. E. Norton '46.
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