
Yale Crew Squad Goes to Gales Ferry

NEW HAVEN, June 4, 1907-The Yale University and freshman crew squads will leave New Haven for Gales Ferry this afternoon on the 2.47 o'clock train, and there will begin regular practice for the race with Harvard on June 27. The freshman rowing order has not been definitely decided upon, but the university eight is composed as follows:

Stroke, Boulton; 7, Ide; 6, Howe; 5, Taft; 4, Hoppin; 3, Rice; 2, Noyes; bow, Auchincloss; cox., Barkalow.

Following is given the rowing order of the university four-oar:

Stroke, Robbins; 3, Babecck; 2, Griswold; bow, Rockwell; cox., Holmes.
