HARVARD CREW QUARTERS, RED Tor OT., June 20, 1907.--The chief feature of the work at Red Top today was a time trial for the Freshman eight this morning. The crew started out after the rest of the Harvard crews had left the river, and went downstream as far as the Navy Yard in the launch. On account of the rough water the crew climbed into their shell just below the Navy Yard and rowed upstream over the last two miles of the University course. Bacon kept his stroke about 30 to 32 until the last half-mile, when he raised the pace to 34. The crew as a whole did not row as well as it has for the past few days. The men on the starboard side of the shell all pulled short at the finish of their stroke during the last half of the distance. Nevertheless the time was fairly good, despite the fact that the men rowed with a favoring wind and tide. They went the distance in 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and the last half-mile in 2 minutes and 43 seconds. Buxton was back at his seat at number 4, where Vogel was tried out yesterday.
The University eight rowed downstream about a mile and a half this morning accompanied by Wray in his single scull. A moderate stroke was maintained and the boat went better than it has at any other time this year. In the afternoon, however, the showing was less satisfactory. The crew went downstream again to the Navy Yard and back in long stretches--and one half-mile was rowed with a stroke of 38, which was raised to 40 in the last 100 yards. The boat travelled better with the fast stroke than it did with the slow. Nevertheless, the work of the day as a whole was very encouraging. The crew has the possibility of becoming a very fast eight within the week that remains before the race.
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