The complete list of 1907 Class Day and permanent officers and committees is as follows:
Secretary--John Moore Morse, Worcester, Mass.
First Marshal--John Dolbeare White, Utica, N. Y.
Second Marshal--John Reynolds, Jr., Montclair, N. J.
Third Marshal--Hatherly Foster, Jr., Brookline, Mass.
Orator--Seth Thomas Gano, Milford, N. Y.
Poet--Hermann Hagedorn, Jr., New York City.
Ivy Orator--Daniel Willard Streeter, Buffalo.
Odist--Wilder Goodwin, New York City.
Chorister--Harry Fifield Evans, Philadelphia.
Class Committee--Robert Low Bacon, New York City; Richard Bartlett Gregg, Colorado Springs; Edwin Lewis Burnham, Malden, Mass.
Class Day Committee--George Adams Leland, Jr., Boston; Wallace Dunbar Dexter, Jr.; Brookline, Mass.; Douglas Graham Field, Milton, Mass.; Harold Willis Nichols, Haverhill, Mass.; John Jay Rowe, Cincinnati, O.; Charles Glidden Osborne, London, England; John Horton Ijams, New York City.
Photograph Committee--George William Bailey, Wollasten, Mass.; Richard John Walsh, Reading, Mass.; Samuel, Thomas Hubbard, Jr., Yonkers, N. Y.
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Christian Association Meeting